Category: Digital Experience

Resilient Revival: Social Media Marketing in the Post-Pandemic Era

The business world arrived at a pause when the pandemic struck. Social media platforms became essential for businesses to reach and engage with customers as traditional brick-and-mortar establishments faced closures or limitations. The pandemic altered consumer behavior, with people spending more time at home and online, forcing a change in their purchasing habits. Constrained by…

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5 Hacks to Website Development

Website Development is a key aspect for any business to thrive. We live in a time wherein the internet is our source of information. Naturally, having a well-developed website goes a long way to being discovered by a global audience. Having a professional website creates a lasting impression in the minds of your viewers and…

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Email Marketing: The Guide to What Not to Do

Introduction Although Email Marketing is an efficient digital marketing tool that is easily available for marketers to spread the word about their business sometimes this can backfire. There are some common mistakes that marketers make when using email marketing. Read below to find out what they are and how to avoid them. 1. The “Blindly…

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All You Need To Know About UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) 

Introduction Customer happiness is dependent on producing goods that are both functional and enjoyable to use. User Interface (UI) focuses on the interactive elements users interface with, whereas User Experience (UX) refers to the total satisfaction a user gets when interacting with a service or product. Continue reading to learn the significance of UX and…

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The Evolution of E-commerce

In the era of digital transformation, e-commerce has emerged as a powerful force that has reshaped the way businesses operate and consumers engage in transactions. From its humble beginnings to the present day, e-commerce has undergone a remarkable evolution, revolutionizing the shopping experience and propelling businesses into the digital age.  E-commerce traces its roots back…

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E-commerce in 2023 – A Game-Changer for Businesses and Consumers Alike

Introduction  The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how consumers engage in commerce. Over the years, e-commerce has evolved into a game changer, reshaping industries and providing numerous benefits to businesses and consumers alike.  This essay explores how e-commerce has become the ultimate turning point, enabling businesses to reach global markets,…

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Designing Creative Solutions for Businesses

Introduction In today’s world, generating creative solutions is essential for brands to thrive in the market. To devise creative solutions, businesses need to put in a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure out-of-the-box thinking and focus on problem-solving. It does not just encompass aesthetics but rather it focuses on a holistic approach that…

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How To Go From “Connect” to “Follow” On LinkedIn

Follow requests can be annoying and with the influx of notifications on LinkedIn it gets difficult to keep up with what is important and what is not. One way to go about this is to replace the “Connect” button with the “Follow” button. By doing so, viewers can view updates without the need for further…

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How To Land An Internship At An Ad Agency

Whether it’s part of your coursework or something you’re doing during your study break, an internship can be a wonderful opportunity to get the first-hand experience on the job. There’s no hiding behind a screen, dreaming about what it will be like when you’re eventually released into the world.  Rather, it’s a real-world experience in…

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Tips For Building A Successful Service-Based Business

Anyone with a skill can start their own service-based business, and there are many good reasons why you might decide to. But running a successful service-based business? That’s an entirely different story. Service-based businesses often have their own operating methods, which means they also have their own unique ways of growing and developing. So with…

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Simple But Effective Small Business Success Tips

Getting a small business up and running is tough. However, hard work doesn’t end when you start trading. Making progress towards your goals is often just as difficult, as is knowing whether you’re focusing on the right things in the first place. So, to help take off some of the pressure, here are seven tips…

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Why Is There A Dire Need for Digital Transformation For Your Organization

Digital transformation is crucial for any business, from the smallest to the major multinational companies, regardless of the size of the company. Digital transformation is a systemic revolution that encourages businesses to continually push themselves in incorporating digital technologies into all business segments, changing the way business functions and bringing value to its customers. Digital…

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