Category: Digital Marketing

E-commerce in 2023 – A Game-Changer for Businesses and Consumers Alike

Introduction  The advent of e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and how consumers engage in commerce. Over the years, e-commerce has evolved into a game changer, reshaping industries and providing numerous benefits to businesses and consumers alike.  This essay explores how e-commerce has become the ultimate turning point, enabling businesses to reach global markets,…

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Designing Creative Solutions for Businesses

Introduction In today’s world, generating creative solutions is essential for brands to thrive in the market. To devise creative solutions, businesses need to put in a considerable amount of time and effort to ensure out-of-the-box thinking and focus on problem-solving. It does not just encompass aesthetics but rather it focuses on a holistic approach that…

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How To Go From “Connect” to “Follow” On LinkedIn

Follow requests can be annoying and with the influx of notifications on LinkedIn it gets difficult to keep up with what is important and what is not. One way to go about this is to replace the “Connect” button with the “Follow” button. By doing so, viewers can view updates without the need for further…

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