Category: SEO

How SEO attracts the audience to your website

Search Engine Optimization, more popularly known as SEO, is getting your page to the top of search engine results. Think of SEO as your life-saver, whispering all the right words into the search engine for maximum views and reads towards your website. Using specific keywords, you can up your game. The internet is a place…

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Crack the Code! Navigate Traffic & Boost Your Growth

Online traffic can be challenging for businesses and website owners in the vast and ever-expanding digital landscape. With countless websites competing for attention, standing out and attracting the right audience is essential. Thankfully, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) provides a roadmap to effectively navigate online traffic and drive targeted visitors to your website. The internet resembles…

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Why you shouldn’t stop SEO in these tough times

Search Engine Optimization, simply known as SEO basically describes the logic behind the ranking of websites when you perform a search on a particular search engine. For beginners, let’s start with what SEO is and why it holds the key to boosting the presence of your business website online. In a nutshell, we can define…

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How Search Engine Rankings can be affected by Website Optimization

There are various methodologies and techniques to assist you for website developments and improve website page ranking on Google either through Paid Advertising or SEO. But when the users arrive at your page should remain intact or glued to your website for a longer duration of time otherwise the bounce-back rate of your website will…

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How SEO Helps Small Business?

While looking at the statistics it is seen that there are lots of startups and budding business that emerged. One of the reasons why they are getting the confidence to step into business is because they have numerous ways to promote their business as technology gets advanced. It is true that the quality is the…

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Riding the Google Tide

As new digital practices wash in and old digital practices wash out, Google makes another big announcement that will shake up the way organic search listings were ranked. As announced by Google: “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal” So what does this new wave of information…

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