Customer Awareness

In the light of the new digital threat being faced by businesses in the form of Email Scams, it is critical to be aware of this growing problem. The Business Email Scam is a misrepresentation by someone posing as an existing vendor, wherein a deceptive email is sent with details of a bank account for…

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Touch Me… I’m Buzzing!

For years the saying ‘Touch Me I’m Buzzing’ has been a example of modern day expressions of excitement aligning itself with the exhilarating world of technology. And the term buzzing, in particular, would normally make most of us think about receiving a call on our favourite accessory – our indispensable mobile phones. Well, many years…

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Riding the Google Tide

As new digital practices wash in and old digital practices wash out, Google makes another big announcement that will shake up the way organic search listings were ranked. As announced by Google: “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal” So what does this new wave of information…

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